Recent advancements and sustainable solutions in adsorption-based cooling systems integrated with renewable energy sources and industrial waste heat: A review - ScienceDirect
Recent advancements and sustainable solutions in adsorption-based cooling systems integrated with renewable energy sources and industrial waste heat: A review - ScienceDirect
Recent advancements and sustainable solutions in adsorption-based cooling systems integrated with renewable energy sources and industrial waste heat: A review - ScienceDirect,Progress in zeolite–water adsorption technologies for energy-efficient utilization - ScienceDirect,Wet Spinning Technology for Aerogel Fiber: Pioneering the Frontier of High-Performance and Multifunctional Materials | Advanced Fiber Materials,Frontiers | The Impact of Policy Intensity on Overcapacity in Low-Carbon Energy Industry: Evidence From Photovoltaic Firms,Directing the Architecture of Surface-Clean Cu2O for CO Electroreduction | Journal of the American Chemical Society,