A Dictionary of Music and Musicians (AD 1450–1880): By Eminent Writers, English and Foreign (Cambridge Library Collection - Music),

A dictionary of music and musicians (A.D. 1450-1889) by eminent writers, English and foreign : with illustrations and woodcuts : Grove, George, Sir, 1820-1900 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive,

Dictionary of music : Riemann, Hugo, 1849-1919 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive,

A dictionary of music and musicians (A.D. 1450-1889) by eminent writers, English and foreign : with illustrations and woodcuts : Grove, George, Sir, 1820-1900 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive,

The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians: 29-Volume Set,