![The Isley Brothers – 3 + 3 – Vinyl (Pitman Pressing, Gatefold, LP, Album, Stereo), 1973 [r1594267] | Discogs The Isley Brothers – 3 + 3 – Vinyl (Pitman Pressing, Gatefold, LP, Album, Stereo), 1973 [r1594267] | Discogs](https://i.discogs.com/HHvl-GSj_pLl4B1wXOKFXyl9x8ITDU7w3T4r8cuXGxA/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTIwMDky/NzUtMTYxNTAzMDIy/Ni02NTkwLmpwZWc.jpeg)
The Isley Brothers – 3 + 3 – Vinyl (Pitman Pressing, Gatefold, LP, Album, Stereo), 1973 [r1594267] | Discogs,
![The Isley Brothers – 3 + 3 – Vinyl (Gatefold, LP, Album, Reissue), 1974 [r780266] | Discogs The Isley Brothers – 3 + 3 – Vinyl (Gatefold, LP, Album, Reissue), 1974 [r780266] | Discogs](https://i.discogs.com/spX7In0J9nvpSfVk9S-OYk8yxxN6tnm2MowomhizxwM/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:592/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTc4MDI2/Ni0xNDk3Nzk1NjUx/LTQzNTQuanBlZw.jpeg)
The Isley Brothers – 3 + 3 – Vinyl (Gatefold, LP, Album, Reissue), 1974 [r780266] | Discogs,

3+3 - ISLEY BROTHERS, THE (#886972326023),

The Isley Brothers' 3+3: : 33 1/3 Darrell M. McNeill Bloomsbury Academic,

Isley Brothers - The Brothers: Isley – Orbit Records,