Evolution of the hydrothermal ore-forming system of Ashele VMS-type Cu-Zn deposit in Xinjiang, NW China: Insights from mineralogy and geochemistry of sulfides - ScienceDirect,

Hydrothermal flow and serpentinization in oceanic core complexes controlled by mafic intrusions | Nature Geoscience,

Evolution of the hydrothermal ore-forming system of Ashele VMS-type Cu-Zn deposit in Xinjiang, NW China: Insights from mineralogy and geochemistry of sulfides - ScienceDirect,

Characteristics, extent and origin of hydrothermal alteration at Mount Rainier Volcano, Cascades Arc, USA: Implications for debris-flow hazards and mineral deposits - ScienceDirect,

Hydrothermal Synthesis of NiCo2O4 @NiCo2O4 Core-Shell Nanostructures Anchored on Ni Foam for Efficient Oxygen Evolution Reactions Catalysts,