Amazon.com: Elgato Stream Deck MK.2 Atomic Purple (Limited Edition) – Studio Controller, 15 macro keys, trigger actions in apps and software like OBS, Twitch, YouTube and more, works with Mac and PC :,

ゲームボーイカラーみたいなレトロデザインが◎】Amazon数量限定!——Elgato Stream Deck MK.2に新色アトミックパープルが登場! | eSports World(eスポーツワールド),

Elgato、Stream Deck MK.2の新色アトミックパープルを数量限定発売 - PC Watch,

Elgatoの配信者向けキーボード「Stream Deck MK.2」の新色「アトミックパープル」がAmazonに登場! - GAME Watch,

Elgato Stream Deck MK.2 – Studio Controller, 15 macro keys, trigger actions in apps and software like OBS, Twitch, YouTube and more, works with Mac and PC : Video Games - Amazon.com,