Amazon.com: HP U28 4K HDR - Computer Monitor for Content Creators with IPS Panel, HDR, and USB-C Port - Wide Screen 28-inch, with Factory Color Calibration and 65w Laptop Docking - (1Z978AA),Black/Silver :,

Amazon.com: HP U28 4K HDR - Computer Monitor for Content Creators with IPS Panel, HDR, and USB-C Port - Wide Screen 28-inch, with Factory Color Calibration and 65w Laptop Docking - (1Z978AA),Black/Silver :,

日本HP、USB Type-C接続/HDR 400対応の28型4K IPS液晶 - PC Watch,

HP U28 4K HDRディスプレイ | 日本HP,

HP モニター U28 28インチ 4K HDR 超薄型 非光沢IPSパネル USB-C接続 (型番:1Z979AA-AAAA),