Full article: Basement differences control granitoid compositions: insights from zircon Hf isotopic mapping of Paleozoic granitoids in the northern Beishan orogenic collage, NW China
Full article: Basement differences control granitoid compositions: insights from zircon Hf isotopic mapping of Paleozoic granitoids in the northern Beishan orogenic collage, NW China
Full article: Basement differences control granitoid compositions: insights from zircon Hf isotopic mapping of Paleozoic granitoids in the northern Beishan orogenic collage, NW China,Full article: Energy harvesting from vibrations of a beam under moving mass using auxetic cantilever beams: Theoretical and experimental investigations,Proline dehydrogenase from Thermus thermophilus does not discriminate between FAD and FMN as cofactor | Scientific Reports,A 2.5° × 2.5° gridded drought/flood grades dataset for eastern China during the last millennium | Scientific Data,Bias-corrected CMIP6 global dataset for dynamical downscaling of the historical and future climate (1979–2100) | Scientific Data,