Schubert / Arturo Toscanini, NBC Symphony Orchestra – Symphony No. 9 In C | Releases | Discogs,
![Toscanini, The Philadelphia Orchestra, Schubert – The 'Great' Symphony In C Major, No. 9 – Box Set Vinyl, 1968 [r11394880] | Discogs Toscanini, The Philadelphia Orchestra, Schubert – The 'Great' Symphony In C Major, No. 9 – Box Set Vinyl, 1968 [r11394880] | Discogs](https://i.discogs.com/_J9uxP-_ZIL4MsB8e08w9iHMx4hSb6HHMACCWM_mh0I/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:293/w:293/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTIzNjA0/NTk2LTE2NTU0OTgy/MTktMTg0Mi5qcGVn.jpeg)
Toscanini, The Philadelphia Orchestra, Schubert – The 'Great' Symphony In C Major, No. 9 – Box Set Vinyl, 1968 [r11394880] | Discogs,

Arturo Toscanini Collection, Volume 14: Franz Schubert: Symphonies No.8 and No.9,

Schubert / Arturo Toscanini, NBC Symphony Orchestra – Symphony No. 9 In C | Releases | Discogs,
![Toscanini, The Philadelphia Orchestra, Schubert – The 'Great' Symphony In C Major, No. 9 – Box Set Vinyl, 1968 [r11394880] | Discogs Toscanini, The Philadelphia Orchestra, Schubert – The 'Great' Symphony In C Major, No. 9 – Box Set Vinyl, 1968 [r11394880] | Discogs](https://i.discogs.com/nAJyKMyPPDoYhovPMN7ssvt5oGfQsimBx1fQwveSCis/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:336/w:344/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTUyNjM4/MTItMTM4OTAzNzE3/MS02MjExLmpwZWc.jpeg)
Toscanini, The Philadelphia Orchestra, Schubert – The 'Great' Symphony In C Major, No. 9 – Box Set Vinyl, 1968 [r11394880] | Discogs,