Had this Portjackson fig for around 12 years. Thinking of cutting it down to where the yellow line is to start shaping new canopy. I'm happy with the base and thickness of
Had this Portjackson fig for around 12 years. Thinking of cutting it down to where the yellow line is to start shaping new canopy. I'm happy with the base and thickness of
Had this Portjackson fig for around 12 years. Thinking of cutting it down to where the yellow line is to start shaping new canopy. I'm happy with the base and thickness of,Sunday Stroll along Wisteria Lane 💜 (aka Stuyvesant Street). It's chilly outside: 13°C | 55°F, and there's rain in the forecast ☔️. Perfect day to cozy up with a cup of coffee at home ☕️,Living art: Tiny trees are big passion for local bonsai specialist | The Blade,wekiva-foliage-fruit-trees-soursop3gx1-64_300.jpg,Zanter Down Haori (Khaki),