Investigation of the segregation mechanism and mechanical properties of laser powder bed fusioned CM247LC Ni-superalloy - ScienceDirect
Investigation of the segregation mechanism and mechanical properties of laser powder bed fusioned CM247LC Ni-superalloy - ScienceDirect,Frontiers | Activation of Mitochondrial Unfolded Protein Response in SHSY5Y Expressing APP Cells and APP/PS1 Mice,Investigation of the segregation mechanism and mechanical properties of laser powder bed fusioned CM247LC Ni-superalloy - ScienceDirect,Chinese burden of depressive disorders from 1990 to 2021 and prediction for 2030: analysis of data from the global burden of disease study 2021 | BMC Psychology | Full Text,Metrological traceability in process analytical technologies and point-of-need technologies for food safety and quality control: not a straightforward issue | Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry,