雑誌 FRUiTS フルーツ 1997年 10月号 No.3 STREET ストリート 原宿フリースタイル 大阪アメ村スタイル 卓矢エンジェル 希少本の落札情報詳細 - Yahoo!オークション落札価格検索 オークフリー,

Osaka based @takuya.angel bridged the gap between old Japan and new. By taking traditional Japanese clothing, such as kimono and geta, and “modifying” them for the 90's, the designer spoke to a,

FRUiTS No.001 English Edition - FRUiTS_magazine_shop,

Osaka based @takuya.angel bridged the gap between old Japan and new. By taking traditional Japanese clothing, such as kimono and geta, and “modifying” them for the 90's, the designer spoke to a,

Osaka based @takuya.angel bridged the gap between old Japan and new. By taking traditional Japanese clothing, such as kimono and geta, and “modifying” them for the 90's, the designer spoke to a,