The Best of Newspaper Design,16,20,21,22 アート・デザイン・音楽,

Congratulations @kimpaper - winner of this year's @cooperhewitt National Design Award! We are SO excited to distribute her forthcoming, appropriately over-the-top visual memoir, 'STUFF: A New York Life of Cultural Chaos,',

GREAT TRACKS Order Made Vinyl”最新エントリー! 本日4月26日より元T-SQUAREの和泉宏隆が背景音楽を手掛けたアニメ「白鯨伝説」(監督:出崎統/1997年放映)OSTのご予約受付開始! | ニュース | 大人のための音楽/エンタメ総合ウェブサイト otonano PORTAL,

Congratulations @kimpaper - winner of this year's @cooperhewitt National Design Award! We are SO excited to distribute her forthcoming, appropriately over-the-top visual memoir, 'STUFF: A New York Life of Cultural Chaos,',

idea No. 408 | IDEA Magazine - international graphic art and typography,