Ω The Yellow Monkey 1995 CD Smile Love Communication Mourning My Night Fantasy Kazuya Yoshii Killer May HEESEY WITH DUDES Singer Yemon Rock Kaori Manabe : Toys & Games Ω The Yellow Monkey 1995 CD Smile Love Communication Mourning My Night Fantasy Kazuya Yoshii Killer May HEESEY WITH DUDES Singer Yemon Rock Kaori Manabe : Toys & Games Ω The Yellow Monkey 1995 CD Smile Love Communication Mourning My Night Fantasy Kazuya Yoshii Killer May HEESEY WITH DUDES Singer Yemon Rock Kaori Manabe : Toys & Games,Bibian 比比昂- ∇ イエローモンキー全15曲収録オールリマスタリング盤ベストCD/TRIAD YEARS actI~THE VERY BEST OF THE YELLOW MONKEY/吉井和哉- Bibian 比比昂日本代標,The yellow monkey CD 1992-1996 吉井和哉