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Fight Against COVID-19

Tantus Family,
True to the mission of Our World, Better, I wanted to find a way to be a part of the solution during these challenging times. To that end, Tantus is donating to three charities in the global fight against COVID-19: No Kid Hungry, World Central Kitchen, and Direct Relief. I hope you will consider these charities. The icons on the right will direct you to a page where you can donate. Here’s what each of these charities means to me.

No Kid Hungry – In line with Tantus’ philanthropic mission of focusing on improving the lives of children and young women, we selected No Kid Hungry. No Kid Hungry provides healthy meals for children who depend on school meals for a significant portion of their daily nutrition.

World Central Kitchen (WCK) – In 2018, I spent some time traveling with a volunteer from WCK. I was inspired by their mission of providing meals in the wake of natural disasters, but more importantly, their methods. WCK serves as first responders and then collaborates with the community to galvanize long-term solutions with local chefs to solve the problem of hunger. WCK’s work in DC and Baltimore has had a profound impact on the community where many of Tantus’ employees work and live.

Direct Relief – Direct Relief works within the US and internationally to equip doctors and nurses with life-saving medical resources. Their mission to improve the health and lives of people affected by poverty or emergencies — without regard for politics, religion, or the ability to pay — feels strongly similar to one of our corporate values: We take care of each other.

I hope by supporting these charities, Tantus can help ease the burden our communities feel. As we face this global challenge, we can band together to protect and uplift the vulnerable among us to make Our World, Better.

Stay safe and healthy,
Buck Keswani

Information Inquiries

Human Resources:

Talent Acquisition:

Business Development:

Rum Keswani
Telephone: 571-645-5311

International Workers’ Day

Today is International Workers’ Day and we’d like to take a moment to appreciate the hard work our team members put in, day in and day out. 

It’s your drive, talent, and dedication to our clients that have helped Tantus tackle challenges and solve the problems that matter. 

Happy International Workers’ Day team, we appreciate all that you do!

#InternationalWorkersDay #TantusTech #OurWorldBetter

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Mother's Day

To the amazing mothers, especially those working within our Tantus Tech family, we recognize all the hard work that you do everyday, and today, we celebrate YOU!

At Tantus Tech, we understand the value of family and strive to be a place where our team members can continue to grow and learn while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

We feel honored to work alongside such strong women, mothers, and team members. We wish you a Happy Mother’s Day!

#Tech #MothersDay #TantusTech

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Key outcomes from specific projects and how they’ve helped the clients

When tackling complex problems, it’s important not only to arrive at answers that work, but to establish key project outcomes early on, and determine how they can serve as guideposts to improve the overall quality of the solutions your team has to offer.

We pride ourselves on examining projects holistically from day one to help determine how we can help clients reach their goals quickly and efficiently, in a way that is tailored to address their unique needs.

Recently, we had the opportunity to work on automating required travel cost comparisons for the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) using Robotic Process Automation (RPA). Every other week, our CMS clients travel to care settings to ensure that the CMS standards of care are being met, following federal travel regulations. 

In automating this step, we have reduced administrative burden and saved the equivalent of over 1,000 hours across these surveyors over the course of a year.

#TantusTech #OurWorldBetter #Tech

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Doug Brown, Director, CMS Solutions

One of the best things about Tantus is working with all of the talented individuals that make up our team.

Meet Doug Brown, our Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Solutions Director. With over 16 years experience working in Medicare programs and data, Doug ensures that the solutions we deliver take into account the CMS policy context, have CMS’ mission and vision infused into the work we do, and keep the CMS beneficiaries forefront in our efforts.

Thanks Doug for everything that you do!

#TantusTech #CMSSolutions #TeamTantus

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Memorial Day

This Memorial Day, the Tantus Tech family recognizes the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice serving this great nation. We also recognize the continued sacrifice of the spouses, children, and other family members they’ve left behind. 

Today, we wish hope and healing for those grieving the loss of family or friends through active duty service.

#MemorialDay #Tech #TantusTech 

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Mother’s Day

I grew up in a large Indian-Chinese family in Vienna with many of my extended family members living on the same street. Our family gatherings and Sunday dinners, you can imagine, were usually packed! 

My mother always hosted, made massive amounts of food for everyone, and was (still is) the life of the party! I have been honored to witness her undeniable selflessness and care, and appreciate the support she has given me throughout my life.

Today, I want to wish my mother and all mothers a Happy Mother's Day. The work you do for your families and the people around you does not go unnoticed. 

#Tech #TantusTech #MothersDay

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Embracing the losses to create greater success

One thing that I’ve realized over the course of my career is that loss and success often go hand in hand. 

Everyone has their off days, the things that don’t go quite right, and the flat out failures. The key is to turn these hurdles into fuel for your next success. You won’t win every project proposal and sometimes you’ll miss out on the opportunities that you really want to pursue. Reflect on the moment and apply the lessons learned to help you succeed at your next adventure. Every opportunity is a learning experience and it’s up to you to capitalize on all life has to offer.

How have your losses fueled your success?

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Mother’s Day

Being a mother is not always easy, especially when you find yourself filling the role of both parents. Early on, I felt an unbelievable amount of pressure to be the perfect mom while trying to juggle work. At one point, I realized that the idea of the “perfect mom” and “perfect employee” just wasn’t realistic. 

I spent time thinking about my priorities and made a list of what I really wanted for my career and my children. “Perfect” wasn’t on that list, but “happy, thriving, and stable” were. I realized it’s more important to find what works for you and your unique situation. We may not have a sit-down dinner every night or game nights, but my kids feel loved and Tantus keeps growing and that feels just perfect to me. 

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms finding their version of perfect in our imperfect worlds. And Happy Mother’s Day to all caretakers pulling “mom duty”, you provide the love, guidance and support our children need. 

#MothersDay #TantusTech #Motherhood

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Memorial Day

Thank you to the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice. May we never forget that freedom isn't free.

In memory of SPC Ben Garrison, who was killed in action November 27, 2007 in Iraq.

#MemorialDay #TantusTech #Remembrance

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An inclusive culture is key to steady growth

An essential key to steady growth within a company is having an inclusive culture.

An inclusive culture pulls its individuals from different talent pools. It ensures its teams are filled with diverse members from differing backgrounds who, together, gather people with a wide variety of strengths and talents.

Diverse teams are crucial for driving innovation and creativity within a company. They increase the company's overall productivity and ultimately lead to success and growth for the corporation as a whole.

I take pride in working at Tantus Tech, where our development and growth is owed to the various skills and talents that our diverse team members bring to the table every day.

How is an inclusive culture growing your organization?

#Tech #TantusTech #Growth #TalentPool

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Mother’s Day

Growing up, I learned from my Mom to not compromise on family. She went to all our events, made dinners from scratch every night, and was my emotional rock when I needed her. She did this while moving us to a new continent far from her own family, restarting her career, and navigating a new culture and set of expectations. It's hard to express how much I respect, appreciate, and love my Mom.

I hope I am able to be as much of a positive influence in my two amazing daughters' lives, although I must admit that dinners are not always from scratch in our house. And I am so grateful to all who have helped "mother" my girls in some way - it truly does take a village. I am also very grateful to work at Tantus, where the value of family is prioritized, just like I learned from my Mom.

Cheers to all those who are Moms or have a Mom role in some way - you are amazing!

#TantusTech #MothersDay #Tech!

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Tantus Compass

Our Tantus Compass guides our decision-making and steers our core values in order to deliver the most meaningful impact for our clients and the customers they support.

The elements of our compass are:
Team Tantus
Do It Better
Be Energized
Do the Right Thing

Whether it’s giving a shout out on our virtual “Hall of Fame” or helping a teammate deliver a cutting-edge solution to a new project, our Compass has allowed us to maintain our culture as we grow.

#TantusTech #OurWorldBetter #Tech

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The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is the single largest payer for health care in the United States. Tantus Tech’s dedicated team members provide support to improve the quality of healthcare for the Agency’s nearly 62 million beneficiaries.

Our team helps align strategy to execution within CMS’ quality programs, enabling each project and program to contribute to specific business objectives. Through our portfolio management solution, we also help these programs operate under a common governance model, and create solutions the enterprise needs to accomplish its business mission. These projects and programs are integral to ensuring quality data is accurate and accessible.

We’re honored to help equip CMS with quality information that drives key decisions in beneficiaries’ health.

#TantusTech #CMS #OurWorldBetter

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Employee Highlight

We work with the BEST people and love to highlight their accomplishments.

Meet our team member, Wayne Chong. Wayne brings over 24 years of experience in successfully delivering complex initiatives for federal and commercial customers requiring business process improvement, organizational change management, and systems implementation.

As our Director of HHS and NIH Solutions, Wayne oversees all of our delivery work for HHS and NIH clients. He works with his teams and partners to ensure that Team Tantus brings its best each and every day to our clients. With his organizational change expertise, Wayne helped redesign Tantus Tech’s performance management program.

Thank you, Wayne, for everything you do for us here at Tantus Tech!

#TantusTech #TeamTantus #OurWorldBetter

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Father’s Day

To all the fathers and father figures on Team Tantus, we want to wish you a Happy Father’s Day!

At Tantus Tech, we strive to deliver leadership, empowerment, and care. Our Tantus dads not only exemplify these values in the workplace, but in their day-to-day lives as well. They serve as an example of our values in action.

We recognize and thank all the fathers and father figures for the incredible achievements they make each day.

Enjoy today and recognize the invaluable role you play in the lives of those around you!

#Fathersday #Leadership #TantusTech

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Tantus Culture

At Tantus Tech, we provide our employees with opportunities for growth and a workplace culture they can take pride in. Team Tantus is a community where each one of our teammates helps share our culture. We are always on the lookout for potential team members that can strengthen us even more.

At the end of the day, our team is a family. We support and empower each other to keep growing, keep learning, and always do our best.

To learn more about our company culture, check out 'Our Workplace' here:

#TantusTech #CompanyCulture #Workplace

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Skills We Look For in the Tech Space

I’ve been working in the IT arena for over 25 years. Even though a lot of things are very different from when I started, there are certain skills I look for in potential team members that haven’t changed much along the way. If I could give candidates one piece of advice on the skills they need to succeed in the tech world today, I would tell them to develop skills that go beyond the resume.

Most candidates will have experience in technical skills. These are critically important and require time and practice to master. But what REALLY separates leaders in the tech space is HOW they apply soft skills on the job. “Soft skills” - the core of developing relationships - are what drive growth at any workplace. Skills like:

Active listening
Interpersonal communication
Critical thinking

All of these attributes foster stronger client relationships and, ultimately, higher quality deliverables.

What skills are you looking for in your candidates?

#TantusTech #techskills #skilldevelopment

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Father’s Day

My father was a man who always listened to and supported me. He taught me to aspire to make my dreams a reality.

Even in his success, my father always valued humility and perseverance. He instilled in me the value of hard work above all else. Through watching my father, I learned to be loving, kind, and compassionate.

I will always cherish the moments I had with him.

On this Father’s Day, I want to recognize the lasting impact that all fathers have on the people in their lives.

Happy Father’s Day!

#FathersDay #Inspiration #Rolemodel

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How to Get More Women in Tech

I’ve been thinking a lot recently about the increasing role women are playing in technology. It seems like more and more women are entering traditionally male-dominated careers, but are still leading from behind the scenes.

One of my personal goals is to empower female leaders and encourage more women to enter roles that allow them to be front and center. Whether you’re a young professional just starting off or a mom of two young boys (like me!) looking to get back into the workplace, I promise there is a role for you in the tech sector.

Today, 72% of women in tech are regularly outnumbered by men in business meetings by at least a 2:1 ratio.

When we promote women to positions of leadership and encourage them to be more visible toward clients and the company, we change that mentality.

I’m proud to be a part of a company that is leading the way in empowering our female teammates to achieve their greatest potential. When individual workplaces create supportive communities, we chart the path forward to achieving equality across the tech industry.

What are you doing to empower women in your workplace?

#TantusTech #womenchangemakers #workplaceculture

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Hudson’s Project on Jen Welter

Earlier this month, my son began a Women’s History project for one of his classes. I was surprised when he came to me and told me his choice was Jen Welter - the first female coach in the NFL. As a part of the project, he had to create a visual display. I was amazed at his final creation - a LEGO set with ten or so football players and a miniature “Coach Jen” in the center.

I started thinking about the way we see women in society. Too often, we still think of women in roles where their job includes assisting men or helping from behind the scenes. Recently, there’s been a push to highlight the unique leadership roles and trailblazing careers women have achieved in tech and politics.

I was so proud of my son for choosing a woman who picked a career in a field hardly associated with female leaders. It’s a reminder that every day, women are changing the world and making history across the board.

I think we could all take a reminder from Hudson’s project to never doubt what women can achieve.

#TantusTech #Leadership #WomenEmpowerment

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Father’s Day

From helping raise children to pursuing fulfilling careers, Father’s Day is about recognizing the people who do it all. Especially in today's workforce, so many dads juggle multiple obligations, not the least of which may involve being a single parent or role model!

Take a few moments today to think about your dad or father figure - and the many ways they have impacted your life. Each of us has our own story, but I think one simple quote sums it up best:

“A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow.”

Happy Father’s Day!

#FathersDay #RoleModel #Inspiration

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What I Would Advise Women in Tech

As a female leader in tech, it’s important to create a positive change in the lives of those around me, especially among women. While my day job is COO, my career has positioned me to be a supporter and advocate for all women in the #techindustry.

Nobody is able to achieve success alone, and that’s why it’s so important to share the advice that has helped me grow as a woman and a professional:
Focus on the foundations. Develop the skill sets that match the trends in technology today.
Build a peer network that supports you and helps you build your band.
Become a sponsor or mentor, which will support another’s career growth, while establishing your credentials and keeping up sharp.
Don’t just aim for a seat at someone else’s table - claim credit for your ideas and sit at the head of your own table.

When we support each other not just as women in tech, but as female leaders in a fast-paced field, we create the positive change we hope to see throughout the tech industry.

#womanintech #womenintechnology #tech #TantusTech

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Fourth of July

Team Tantus wishes you a safe and happy Fourth of July!

#IndependenceDay #TantusTech #Tech

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Cybersecurity Capabilities

Tantus Tech’s experts stand ready to help both government and industry stakeholders develop and execute a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy: identifying vulnerabilities, reducing risks, and proactively mitigating threats.

Working together, we can improve your group’s organizational security posture.

Learn more about our services at

#TantusTech #cybersecurity #IT

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Leadership in Health IT Space

Tantus Tech is honored to support our nation’s federal health agencies in carrying out their day-to-day operations. Our team supports emerging needs of federal health organizations as they face them.

Some examples include automating workflows related to improving the quality of care received by Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries, using Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing to improve CMS’s rule-making process, and leveraging Robotic Process Automation to improve Section 508 compliance.

#TantusTech #HealthIT #government

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Employee Benefits

At Tantus Tech, our team members are empowered to strengthen their careers daily. We continuously encourage our team members to learn and grow. 

That's why we're committed to investing in the mental, emotional, and physical well-being of our team. From our cutting-edge training to flexible healthcare options, we harness the talents of the best people by offering competitive benefits for all regular full-time employees, their spouses, and their families. 

We're here to do great things, and we want all of our teammates to grow with us.

#Employeebenefits #TantusTech #Tech

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System Administrators Day

System Administrators are the backbone that ensure an organization’s services are running smoothly. That’s why we want to take a moment to recognize all the Sys Admins at Tantus Tech and across the globe on this National System Administrator’s Day!

Your collaboration and delivery capabilities are invaluable and we thank you for your commitment to implementing the next generation of technology.

Tag a Sys Admin you know below.

#TantusTech #SystemAdmins #techworkplaces

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Flexibility in Delivering for the Federal Government

With so many changes constantly occurring across the Federal Government, it can be difficult to recognize the challenges associated with delivering projects for key agencies.

I love that our team at Tantus Tech always approaches these challenges with flexibility and creativity in order to deliver the most appropriate solutions for our clients. Right now, we’re working with the government on key projects like:

  1. Strategy Realization
  2. Human Centered Design (HCD)
  3. Agile Training

No matter the task at hand, approaching with the willingness to be flexible is sure to lead to better outcomes, and in turn, better service for the millions of Americans relying on federal systems every day. 

#TantusTech #flexibility #techleadership

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Active Listening as a Skill

Our leadership recognizes how active listening creates safe workplaces. It has been proven to help people develop deeper connections within teams.  Again and again, when we empower team members by hearing and responding to their concerns, we see them begin to excel in the workplace and deliver great results.

What is your company doing to empower 'active listening' in the workplace?

#CompanyValues #ActiveListening #Tech #TantusTech #DEI

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Being a Well-Rounded Leader

It's so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks of the workplace. Here are three things you can do to help advance your career goals and hone your leadership skills: 

  1. Think Big Picture - Think about what you want to accomplish and the skills you’ll need. Don’t just think about the challenges in front of you, but also envision where you want to be.
  2. Create Opportunities for Others to Grow - Giving others the opportunities to take on challenges and learn new skills not only advances their career  but gives you more time and space to focus on strategy and leadership development. 
  3. Create a Network - Cross-pollinating ideas can lead to seismic changes in your career. 

#TantusTech #Networking #AskLinkedIn

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Human Centered Design (HCD)

One of the reasons our team at Tantus Tech has been able to successfully deliver for our clients is the way we approach system design, specifically taking into account ‘how' users interact with certain systems.

Human Centered Design (HCD) allows systems to be useful, accessible, and efficient - all based on the end users' journey through the system and meeting the daily needs of users.

Prioritizing user satisfaction and sustainability in HCD improves the end goal of applications and, ultimately, benefits the person on the other end of the screen.

#TantusTech #HumanCenteredDesign #HCD

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Female Leaders & The BIPOC Community

As a woman in tech, I understand what it is like not always to feel empowered within the workplace. This is why it's so important for women in decision-making positions empower the interests of other women.

I'm proud to be a part of a team that constantly works to create waves of improvement that ripple out to the community and world around me. At Tantus Tech, I'm a part of an inclusive workplace that values every team member's input.  

#WomeninLeadership #Tech #TantusTech 

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Robotic Automation Processes (RPA)

Prioritizing robotic process automation (RPA) can impact workplaces in significant ways. RPA can save time, increase efficiency, and standardize processes, benefitting the entire organization.

RPA helps limit the need for human effort on simple processes, allowing your team to focus on addressing what really matters to your organization.

Our Tantus Tech teams leverage RPA to streamline processes to uncover efficiencies and provide insights, helping make our clients’ journeys to digital transformation fast and cost-effective.

#TantusTech #roboticprocessautomation #RPA

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National Wellness Month

August is National Wellness Month, which means it's a time to reflect on the resources organizations provide to their teammates to improve their physical and mental well-being.

At Tantus Tech, we're dedicated to equipping teammates with the tools they need to practice & promote work-life integration. Programs like "class pass" - which allows teammates to explore different fitness and wellness opportunities - and flexible work schedules are unique ways we ensure our team is able to thrive inside and outside the workplace.

#NationalWellnessMonth #TantusTech #TeamTantus

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Congratulations Arati Prabakhar

Tantus Tech congratulates Dr. Prabakhar on officially being nominated for the role of Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. Dr. Prabakhar is the first woman and the first person of color to serve in this role. 

Her extensive background includes roles at the National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST) and later at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

Congratulations to Dr. Prabakhar for this historic achievement!

#TantusTech #Tech #WomeninTech

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Federal Cyber Rotational Program

Cybersecurity attacks pose a significant threat to our national security infrastructure. Unfortunately, these threats will only grow more sophisticated in years to come. 

The passage of the Federal Rotational Cyber Workforce Program Act of 2021 will help equip the Federal Government with the resources and people it needs to counteract future threats and ensure cross-agency security coordination.

To learn more about how Tantus Tech can help protect your organization's sensitive data, read about our cybersecurity capabilities below:

#TantusTech #CyberSecurity #TechinCongress

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Increased Telework

Last month, the U.S. House took an important step to approve The Telework Metrics and Cost Savings Act (TMCS). This important piece of legislation will expand the collection of data on telework as the Federal Government adapts to this growing trend.

At Tantus Tech, our team is preparing to address the needs of the tele-workforce by envisioning the challenges and subsequent solutions that will be needed to properly accommodate this growing technology across the entire government. 

#TantusTech #Tech #OurWorldBetter

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Emerging Tech at NATO

Across the world, governments are incorporating emerging technologies to more efficiently collect data and provide better services to its citizens. Just recently, NATO announced a new Strategic Concept that focuses on these initiatives. 

Tantus Tech is proud to serve a role in the adaptation of new technologies across the U.S. Federal Government in order to foster robust, integrated systems that improve the quality of life for federal workers and the citizens they serve.

Tantus Tech stands ready to help implement these emerging technologies.

#TantusTech #Tech #IT

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“Never Start a Business”

When I was growing up, I remember how hard my parents used to work. As owners of a men’s clothing store in Tysons Corner Mall and then Mazza Galleria, they worked seven days a week — 9am to 9pm Monday through Saturday and 12pm to 5pm on Sundays. 

The store was the focal point of our lives. It always had to be tended to. Growing up we didn’t eat dinner until after my parents got home from work, which was at 9:30pm at night. Also, I don’t recall my entire family being able to go away on vacation together. We would take quick jaunts to the beach every now and then.  But we would always have to be back in time to open the store.    

Growing up we also had to work in the store. Occasionally we would help out during the week. But without fail, we had to work every Saturday because it was the busiest day of the week. While working all those weekends, I learned valuable skills such as working hard, teamwork, responsibility, problem-solving, “business math”, communication and sales skills. 

Although owning a store may have prohibited us from having a “typical” family life, it did instill important values in me and my siblings. These values have not only been essential to running a successful business today, but are applicable to my personal life as well.

#BusinessMindset #TantusTech #Technology

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Firm Growth

People always ask me how Tantus Tech has been able to grow while retaining its core values. It's not a science, but rather an art.

With every teammate we onboard, we don't just look at their technical skills, but their ability to integrate into the Tantus Tech family. The Tantus Compass, which exhibits our core values, guides us in all that we do. We look for team members that share our purpose.

Our teammates are why we have been able to advance our firm from a boutique organization to a leader in the federal IT landscape.

What are you doing to ensure you retain your company culture as you grow?

#TantusTech #Growth #Tech

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Recently, the U.S. has seen a surge in discussions around the regulation of artificial intelligence (AI). Collaboration between the Federal Government and industry will be critical to ensuring the smooth implementation of AI into more federal agencies. 

Already, Congress is doing the hard work to fund the implementation of AI technologies through various legislations such as the NDAA. Even outside of Congress, individual states are taking action. 13 states have passed AI-related legislation.

How do you think AI will affect the way government serves its citizens?

#AI #GovTech #TantusTech

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First in Family to go to College

"Give control and create leaders." This is one of my favorite quotes because it reminds me so much of my life path. When I was in college, my parents trusted me to control my decisions and navigate my way as a first-generation student. 

Four years later, I graduated from the University of Houston and embarked on a career in a field that was unconventional for women at the time - technology. Since then, we've made enormous strides, but I still see women and other marginalized groups struggling to break out and pursue their passions.

As we work together to increase #womenintech, let's remind ourselves to give control to our colleagues and allow them to flourish into the leaders we know they could be.

When was the last time you empowered yourself to take control of your life circumstances?

#TantusTech #WomeninTech #Tech

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Assessing Customer Satisfaction

One of my core jobs as Chief Operating Officer is to regularly assess and measure customer satisfaction. I've seen so many ways to do this across the technology industry, from technical data collection to candid feedback sessions. 

At the end of the day, we like to keep things simple. We start by asking ourselves if we held true to our values and exceeded client expectations. From there, we seek to engage all of our clients in a one-on-one dialogue to ensure we precisely meet client needs in order to go above and beyond on the next project.

When you take the time to listen to clients, even after projects are completed, you will be amazed at the insights you learn.

#TantusTech #Insights #WomeninTech

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Government Obstacles

At Tantus Tech, we're always thinking about the future of government and what threats we may need to address in the future.

Over the past year, we've seen incredible changes such as an increase in teleworking for federal employees and an increased emphasis on emerging technologies. 

As the Federal Government continues to meet the needs of the American public, our job is to facilitate relevant organizational, technical, and culture shifts. We see these as opportunities to rethink old ways of working, consider new ways to leverage increasingly sophisticated technology, and build stronger, resilient, smarter systems.

#TantusTech #FedGov #Technology

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Company Event - PM3 II Baltimore Happy

We recently hosted a happy hour for our Baltimore team, HQ staff, and their guests to enjoy a night of drinks, snacks, and celebrations at the Guinness Open Door Brewery in Halethorpe, MD. 

It’s been an impressive year for #TantusTech and we wanted to show our appreciation for all this team has done. Team members were able to meet up and get to know each other better.

Showing our appreciation for our employees is important, especially as we continue to grow. Thanks to everyone who was able to join us — we look forward to seeing you all again soon at our next team outing!

#TantusTech #TeamTantus #OurWorldBetter

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Company Event - PM3 II Baltimore Happy

We recently hosted a happy hour for our Baltimore team, HQ staff, and their guests to enjoy a night of drinks, snacks, and celebrations at the Guinness Open Door Brewery in Halethorpe, MD. 

It’s been an impressive year for #TantusTech and we wanted to show our appreciation for all this team has done. Team members were able to meet up and get to know each other better.

Showing our appreciation for our employees is important, especially as we continue to grow. Thanks to everyone who was able to join us — we look forward to seeing you all again soon at our next team outing!

#TantusTech #TeamTantus #OurWorldBetter

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Company Event - PM3 II Baltimore Happy Hour

We recently hosted a happy hour for our Baltimore team, HQ staff, and their guests to enjoy a night of drinks, snacks, and celebrations at the Guinness Open Door Brewery in Halethorpe, MD. 

It’s been an impressive year for #TantusTech and we wanted to show our appreciation for all this team has done. Team members were able to meet up and get to know each other better.

Showing our appreciation for our employees is important, especially as we continue to grow. Thanks to everyone who was able to join us — we look forward to seeing you all again soon at our next team outing!

#TantusTech #TeamTantus #OurWorldBetter

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Client Work

Tantus Tech is proud to announce the expansion of our work with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to encompass the Life Safety Code & Health Care Facilities Code Survey as a part of CMS's Quality, Safety & Oversight initiatives.

Since 2012, we have supported CMS across a variety of programs, allowing the organization to better meet the needs of American beneficiaries.

We look forward to expanding our support to this program and our continued partnership with CMS.

#TantusTech #Tech #CMS

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Charities Tantus Supports

Tantus Tech is committed to improving our world by giving back to the community. We encourage our team members and partners to participate in volunteer and outreach activities through our #TantusCares initiative. 

#TantusCares focuses on supporting people’s daily lives through philanthropic endeavors. One of our partners, the Tigerlily Foundation provides education, awareness, advocacy and hands-on support to young women fighting breast cancer.

We are proud to support organizations like the Tigerlily Foundation and the amazing work they do every day.

#TantusTech #Tech #Charity

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Artificial Intelligence and Health Care

The question many organizations are asking today is how to better implement Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The Federal Government has been exploring ways to apply AI in the healthcare sector. AI tooling and security is becoming more prevalent, particularly when it comes to handling claims documentation and other sensitive electronic health data. This is vital to programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and the Department of Veterans Affairs. 

Are you wondering how to implement AI for your organization? For the past three years, Tantus Tech has been assisting the Federal Government successfully implement AI. Reach out to us today if you want to learn more about our success implementing AI for other Federal customers. 

For the past three years, Tantus Tech has assisted the Federal Government with the implementation of AI across agencies. Are you interested in bringing this technology to your organization? Reach out to us today if you want to learn more about our work with Federal customers and how we can help you utilize AI for your organization.

#TantusTech #Tech #AI

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Veterans Day

We would like to take a moment to extend our gratitude to all the men and women in uniform who have served our Nation and protected our fundamental freedoms. We honor your sacrifice today and every day.

#VeteransDay #TantusTech #TeamTantus

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Cybersecurity Systems

Recently, the Senate Intelligence Committee Hearing highlighted the increased potential threat of foreign actors to our nation's cybersecurity systems.

Tantus Tech has a proven track record of monitoring and proactively addressing organizational threats. In addition to our work mitigating vulnerabilities, our team helps ensure organizational systems comply with federal and agency-level security directives. 

#TantusTech #Tech #IT

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AI Advisory

As a result of the National Artificial Intelligence (AI) Incentive Act of 2020, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will have the Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) provide technical analysis to the National Artificial Intelligence Advisory Committee (NAIAC) on their various AI initiatives. 

This new development demonstrates the commitment of the Federal Government to explore and implement new AI technologies.

Tantus Tech is already providing AI solutions to federal stakeholders. One example is InsightsAI, our innovative tool that helps CMS automate aspects of the lifecycle associated with reviewing public comments for proposed rule changes. This reduces time spent in the analysis cycle by 40%.

Learn more about how Tantus Tech can implement Artificial Intelligence in your agency:

#TantusTech #Tech #AI

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Army Adding More Cyber Teams

Last month, United States Cyber Command (USCyberCom) announced the expansion of its cyber mission force with the addition of several new teams to conduct defensive, offensive and supportive missions. This news serves as a positive example of the Federal Government and other agencies working to implement emerging technology to bolster cybersecurity capabilities.

As USCyberCom expands its mission, we look forward to leveraging their findings in Federal Civilian (FedCiv) initiatives.

#TantusTech #Tech #CyberCom

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Thanksgiving Day

This Thanksgiving, we are thankful for our team members and all they do for Tantus Tech. Each one of our employees is irreplaceable and an integral part of our success.

And to our clients — thank you for putting your trust in us. We are grateful to work alongside you to make our world better and improve the lives of citizens across the country.  

Happy Thanksgiving!

#Thanksgiving #TantusTech #Gratitude

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NIST Risk Management Framework

The public comment period on the National Institute for Standards and Technology's (NIST) new Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework draft is quickly closing.

As our team at Tantus Tech continues to review the Federal Government's efforts to develop trustworthy and responsible AI systems, we look forward to hearing others' key insights on how organizations can evaluate their risk thresholds and implement the new framework.

#TantusTech #Tech #AI

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IDCA Shout Out

I want to take a moment to give a shout-out to the International Data Center Authority (IDCA). IDCA has been at the forefront of streamlining, structuring, educating and giving direction to the information technology industry.

Last month, I had the great privilege to be featured on IDCA's 'Wellness for Tech' Podcast to speak about wellness in the technology world. We talked about what Tantus Tech is doing to improve the quality of life for our teammates and my personal insights for future business owners.

If you didn't get a chance to tune into my conversation with @Jothi Dugar, check it out here: link

#TantusTech #Tech #IDCA

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The Benefits of Mentorship

Having a mentor is important to help you learn and grow both professionally and personally. I have several mentors, some dating back over 20 years! 

From my experience, some of the benefits of having a mentor include:

  • Exposure to new perspectives: looking to your mentor for advice on certain ideas opens up discussion of different thoughts and opinions.
  • Developing your skills: through guidance, your mentor can help you reach your full potential.
  • Tracking your progress: your mentor not only helps with goal-setting, but holds you accountable so you stay focused and on track. 

What are some benefits you have seen throughout your mentorship journey?

#TantusTech #Tech #Mentors

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How to Attract Top Talent

I’m often asked how Tantus Tech built and maintains a high performance organization. 

It starts with our team members. In addition to hiring for skills, we look for people that align with the Tantus Compass. The Tantus Compass defines the vision, mission, and values that drive our decision-making and behavior. 

By hiring people that have the skills necessary to do the job and are aligned with our culture, we have been able to build a high performance organization. 

#TantusTech #Tech #Talent

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Certification for Tech Employees

A lot of people ask me about what is needed to advance in the tech sector today. From my experience, employers want to hire talent with the latest certifications in the industry.

Some of the most successful team members I've worked with have proactively taken steps to re-certify themselves in key skill areas, allowing them to share new approaches with the team and develop innovative solutions for our clients.

The beauty of tech is that it's a life-long learning process, not something that remains static once a formal education is over. Embrace that mindset and see just how much you can contribute over the span of your career.

#TantusTech #Tech #Skills

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Women and Moms in Tech

As a parent and a tech executive I often joke that I have two full time jobs. In fact, being a parent has helped me to continue to grow many of the leadership skills I use every day:

Out of the Box Approach Problem Solving:  I have never had to think outside of the box more than as I do as a mom -- from last minute science fair projects that my kids “forgot” to tell me about to creating a Pokemon costume out of a pillowcase...  I’ve learned to take what I have and make it into something.   I often find myself saying “Ok, how can we make this happen?”  I’ve seen how I apply this to customer interactions, helping my team resolve escalated problems, and mitigating organizational risks.

The Importance of Communication: “Hey guys, we are leaving in 30 minutes.”  “Boys, we need to leave in 10 minutes…”  I learned when my boys were toddlers the power of communicating expectations early and repeatedly.  The power of communication became especially evident as I started managing larger and more geographically dispersed teams.

Continuous Growing and Learning:  The mom my kids needed when they were infants is totally different than the mom they need today.  I am constantly having to evolve in order to keep pace with where they are from a socio-emotional/development perspective.  This is very true for working in tech.  Technologies, methodologies, and customer needs are constantly changing and I have to actively learn and adapt to stay relevant. 

By the way, if you are wondering who the boss is around my house (and often around the office too – he likes to pick where we eat lunch), I’ve included his picture below.

#TantusTech #WorkLifeIntegration #MomsInTech

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Agile Methodology

Too often, I see organizations restricting themselves by thinking of agile methodology as a software development framework. In reality, the agile methodology can be applied to any problem an organization is seeking to solve.

Agility is a mindset that requires team effort, creative thinking, and a commitment to continuous improvement. 

By encouraging my team to adapt an agile mindset, we can achieve high-performing results. It’s about adapting to change rather than struggling around it. 

#TantusTech #Tech #AgileMethodology

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EVP Role

Understanding exactly how to excel in tech is a skill that definitely takes time to develop. At the end of the day, it comes down to the quality of service you deliver, which is inextricably measured to customer satisfaction.

I'm amazed at the dedication our team has in delivering customer satisfaction and providing transformational strategies. Even more so, I'm inspired by their "know-how" of navigating the client service process.

It's rare to find a workplace where you learn something new about customer satisfaction each and every day, but Tantus Tech continues to show me it's possible.

#TantusTech #Tech #EVP

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Adapting to the Post COVID-19 World

There’s no question that COVID-19 changed the way we work. The tech landscape in particular has made many of these alterations permanent, with remote and hybrid positions becoming the norm for existing employees and new hires. 

At Tantus Tech, we’ve made it a priority to review the changes we’ve applied over the last few years and know we are prepared for the next crisis. We will be able to quickly mobilize the tools necessary to complete our work, while ensuring the security of our clients’ information and our internal proprietary technology. 

One example is the implementation of principles of Zero Trust as a framework to help mitigate the threat of cybersecurity attacks. The increased authentication and authorization of users better secures organizations and their data, keeping them online. 

In what ways have you had to rethink tech readiness to stay connected and secure in this new work landscape?

#TantusTech #Tech #ZeroTrust

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