Managers need to understand their role and responsibilities in the business environment. Today’s managers can learn from other leaders and managers across industries through social media, many of whom embrace “inclusive management.” Understanding how inclusive management works has allowed organizations to transform their workplace into a more diverse, productive, and innovative organization through inclusion.
By developing inclusive leadership practices and creating an inclusive work environment, employees become engaged, empowered, and innovative. This short blog is designed to guide you through an understanding of inclusive management as it relates to diversity, performance, and practice.
To start, it’s important to note that inclusive management is changing the workplace structure. Unlike most traditional forms of management that seek to incorporate diversity measures, inclusive management is not just about getting more women in the workplace; it goes beyond that. Inclusive management revolves around true diversity, giving people equal opportunities and breaking down male-female stereotypes. In other words, inclusive management seeks to embrace diversity, rather than the old model of thinking of it as an “issue” or checkbox that organizations need to check.
Additionally, numerous studies have shown how inclusive management ultimately boosts performance among teammates. The main goal of this style is for everyone to feel as though they have an equal say in how the business runs, so that everyone has more opportunities for growth and development. At Tantus Tech, we put this theory into practice through numerous venues where teammates can provide feedback on the direction of the organization. For example, our “Town Halls” serve as a great venue to ask questions and interface directly with company leadership.
More and more organizations are beginning to implement inclusive management practices across their teams and have noted the incredible increase in productivity.
If you feel like you’re ready to take a leadership role in your next career opportunity and work in an organization that embraces inclusive management, consider applying for a job at Tantus Tech.